
Even though this is a Mexican tradition,

I wanted to give it a shot in English…
2024-12-19 03:58:13

Beatriz Sánchez


Even though this is a Mexican tradition,

I wanted to give it a shot in English...

octubre 1, 2013


Even though this is a Mexican tradition,

I wanted to give it a shot in English…
Beatriz Sánchez



Even though this is a Mexican tradition,
I wanted to give it a shot in English, 
and maybe get a good place in the competition;
As generous as Martha can be,
hopefully as "Wicked" she will have a prize for me!
"Podcasters from Hell" she says we are,
but we love her to Death no matter what!
No Spider-Man, Shark, Love Rockstar or the like,
will ever separate Martha from her fans!
Rebeca and Diana also make us laugh, 
ut the truth be told,
Martha rocks the house!
And as brief as this "Calaverita" may seem,
my love for you all is deep!
So this may not be about the Death visiting thee,
but I wish you all a Happy Halloween!!!









octubre 1, 2013